It doesn’t matter if you’ve already got a large team of marketing professionals at your school, or if someone is just doing it part-time. All schools, at some point, can benefit from some fresh ideas, expert advice or additional support with their marketing. 

Educate & Enthuse

Marketing is too important to be left to the marketing department.
— David Packard

Marketing is much misunderstood. It’s too often viewed as a ‘bolt-on’ communications activity.  Establishing and nurturing a successful marketing department is just one thing to get right.  Schools need to develop an understanding and culture of marketing at all levels – from Governors and Trustees, to Heads and senior leaders, along with teaching and non-teaching staff.
I mentor Heads and marketing staff, as well as running INSETS and training sessions.

Keeping you on track

Marketing is the act of inventing the product.
— Seth Godin

Schools are busy places. Day-to-day school life is all consuming.  Marketing often can take a back seat to ensure the task in hand is actually completed.  And, of course, the pupils always come first. Through my marketing mentoring, I can help you to regularly (weekly, monthly, termly) focus on the bigger marketing objectives, remind you to keep on track and on brand. I’m a Duracell bunny, ‘banging the drum’ to keep you focused.

Fresh eyes

Don’t stand still but do stand out. When it comes to marketing, playing it safe doesn’t cut it anymore.
— James Watt, Co-Founder, Brewdog

Just because you’ve always done it this way, doesn’t mean it can’t be improved.  My fresh pair of (knowledgeable & creative) eyes are for hire.

Kickstarting projects

The best ideas start as conversations.
— Jonathan Ive, Apple

Startled about where to start on your new website, prospectus, campaign or strategy? My objective opinion can help you create the perfect brief.